This is the story of two mad duffers who have been mates since they were 5 years old and who are now about to be 50. Since the dawn of time, Paul and his slightly off-kilter chum, Chris, have been dreaming and scheming of running away and living like apemen in a far off land where they don’t have to deal with things like washing or speaking in sentences or generally grinding away their vital life essences to feed a capitalist society designed for nothing but the consumption of all that is good in the world.
This is Paul This is Chris
Paul started planning a trip to celebrate turning 50. The original plan was to spend a week dirt biking in Africa. As things went on in the planning, it became clear that this was not to be. After a while and after speaking with his wife, Paul sent this email to Chris and this is where our story starts:
I’m storming the castle…. Mate, I have been thinking, not my strongest suit, but here we go: This moto trip I am planning, it has gone through many iterations, you have been a part of the trip so far. Africa was my first dream but ultimately became too expensive, too difficult, too dangerous, not what I was hoping for. I started thinking about an Alaska trip. Alaska is really far away so my plan was too ride to Anchorage and use air miles to ship the bike back, it turns out that I can’t use air miles for anything but travel, so I started planning a trip to Juneau or one of the other closer towns (Anchorage is like 5 days each way from Juneau). So I look at my budget and plan on riding for two weeks through Oregon, staying at a friends house in Seattle, up in to British Columbia (Canada) and then into Alaska. I would camp about 50% and motel the other half. I would buy me a bike with boxes and stuff. So when I think about some of the chats we have had, one thing came up and that was you coming too and riding the ST. And thats what I have been thinking about.I mean really, what would make this trip of a lifetime into something truly amazing, would be to have my weird old best mate with me. So, seeing as I would already be paying for motels and camp sites and I have all these bloody air miles that I could use for your flight to San Francisco, would you consider coming along? Seriously. When I think about it, it really makes sense to me. Doing this on my own would be cool but having you along would be better. If you could get the time off from work and away from wife and dog, you would only need gas and food money and a passport, of course.I would have to put a little cash into the ST, service and rubber shoes, I would have to do that to sell it anyway. I think if we swapped bikes fairly often, it could be even better because that ST is fucking amazing and I sort of think about how I would miss it in the twisties anyway. It’s not a bad idea.I have calculated gas to be about $560 and food to be about $300. Kimberly says that you might not like me “paying for you”, like maybe some sort of pride thing, which I could respect, but hopefully you could get past that and see it for what it is, me finding away to make my dream trip, more dreamy?Now, I find myself wondering how you could possibly say no? I imagine it would be the wrist thing? I seem to remember you had to switch to adventure bike to reduce issues with your wrists (not sure what I have been doing so much of to keep my wrists strong?). I had another thought on that regard. If you were serious about joining me for a moto trip, there are many amazing roads we could ride, maybe a shorter trip, in which case we could rent another tiger with the money we saved from the shorter trip and if we camped all the time, the numbers actually work out. And again, this would be more awesome than not spending the money. Give it some thought. Since we were little fuckers we have dreamed of running away, we wanted to go and live in the New Forest, we wanted to steel a boat and become pirates, we wanted to get motorbikes and fuck off around the world. This would not be that, but it would be fucking great. We can spend months planning and plotting. I bet between us we have almost all we need for camping and when there are two of you, there becomes more room in the bags, right? We only need one stove, one coffee maker, one really big knife. Alright, maybe two big knives, but you get my meaning. This could be a death valley trip or a trip to San Juan Islands or Baja or a trip to Never Never Land. So much choices.Come on man, let’s do this. I’m storming the castle, who’s coming with me?! |
Mate you used the wrong steal bruv. U suck lol