For the road to Santiago, don’t make new declarations for what to bring and what to leave behind.
For the road to Santiago, don’t make new declarations for what to bring and what to leave behind.
Bring what you have, you were always going there anyway.
You were always going there all along.
-David Whyte.
I do enjoy a good poem.
It often occurs to me that we never get to where we are going. I have always known this. Enjoyed it. I love to travel so very much. I understand that when we go on holiday, we plan, we pack, we go….and then we get there. Getting there is kind of a problem. I don’t mean that travel is difficult, what I mean is that reaching a destination means that a desire is met, a goal achieved. What then? Almost immediately we need a new goal, a new destination. After reaching the top of the mountain, after that euphoric moment fades, there is only a long walk down a hill. Unless there is another mountain to climb.
The joy of a moto trip is that there is no destination. Not really.
The “3 B’s” are going to the Grand Canyon. But the destination is the side show. The joy of a moto trip is that the journey is everything. When I let the clutch out tomorrow morning to head out to meet up with the other “B’s”, I will be at the destination. I will be on the road, on the trip. The destination is the road. The Road is the destination.
These are my thoughts the morning before clutch out.
I am so excited!